The team at The Slimming Clinic prides itself on its ability to support, enlighten and collaborate with patients to achieve sustainable weight loss. Whilst always having an emphasis on doctor-led care, the clinics aim to provide patients with engaging and interesting content in their Fresh Start Magazine, The Slimming Clinic’s exclusive magazine.
Specialising in design for print, GIANT has been instrumental in the development of this publication from its initial issue, to delivering its content and the significant work in its production. For this fast turnaround printed publication to become an ongoing reality, the process requires clinical organisation, high levels of creative artworking and precision planning of its production.
As brand guardians we have maintained the brand essence, and professional nature of the service offering throughout, whilst understanding the need to expand the design to embrace the less formal requirements of a magazine. One that is going to be read from cover to cover and cater for their target audience’s tastes and appetite for relevant content.