Matt Senior Web Developer

I’m Matt, I’m Giant’s Senior Web Developer. For over a decade I’ve specialised in building lean, fast, bespoke WordPress websites that look beautiful and work flawlessly. It’s incredibly satisfying turning designs into something that people can use and interact with. There’s a big (huge? massive? “GIANT!”) sense of achievement knowing people enjoy using or exploring an experience I’ve helped to build.

"Make it look cool and go fast."
Away from Work
Away from work I spend most of my time looking for the tool I put down moments earlier. When I'm not riding mountain bikes or motorcycles I'm tinkering with them in the garage.
Claim to Fame
You seeĀ this link? Press it!... I did that.
Any sentence starting, "There's just a few more quick changes...." Followed by an extensive list of lengthly, intricate changes.


Ben Managing Director Ellie Client Services Director Neil Creative Director & Founder Amanda Head of Public Relations Adam Creative Lead Judith All Things Business Editor Matt Senior Web Developer Louise Head of Events Ferne SEO Executive Nick Business Development Director Joe Account Director Lucy Senior Account Manager Marius Web Developer Amelia Account Executive Chris Head of Sales at All Things Business Dan Senior Graphic and Motion Graphics Designer Pippa Lead Graphic Designer Sophia PR Account Manager Arthur Videographer & Account Manager Kieran Graphic Designer Karolina Graphic Designer Kathleen Account Executive Amy Social Media Co-Ordinator Tiffany Account Manager Poppy Account Executive