Eve Curtis – Intern
As an intern, first days can be intimidating, especially when you don’t know anyone or what to expect.
When imagining what an internship would be like, I assumed I’d be doing mundane jobs like making tea and coffee. This wouldn’t be great as I don’t like either and not great at making it! On the other hand, I thought I’d be following someone around, watching everything they do like a lost puppy.
In terms of what I expected, it’s exactly the opposite. The office is not as formal and serious as I thought, and the dress code is quite relaxed helping everyone to be more productive. Everyone is helpful and creative, and the whole team gets on like a big family, which is a really nice atmosphere to be around.
Work wise, I’ve been involved in lots more than thought I would be. From day one, I’ve been immersed in many different types of marketing work, which has been really helpful as I’m studying for a Marketing degree at university. Joe and Mace head up the Social Media team at Rocket, and have helped to guide me throughout my daily tasks, showing me all the software they use as well as lots of useful tips.
I’ve had to research several clients to help me achieve an understanding of what they do, and how they communicate with their customers. I’ve also familiarised myself with the basic intern tasks that keep the business running smoothly, helping to organise and archive jobs.
After settling in and gaining more and more confidence in these last few weeks, I’ve been given much more responsibility. This has included thinking of a simple idea and expanding upon it it to write a news article for a client’s website. It is a little scary that after two weeks of being at Rocket my work is online being shared across social media – but it’s also great for my portfolio.
I’ve also been writing social media content which can be difficult as it’s not like writing your own social media. You need to make sure you know all about the client and change your writing style to suit them. It’s not easy when you’ve never done it before, and you don’t realise how much goes into it whether it’s resizing imagery, tagging important businesses, using the right hashtags or adapting copy for different platforms. However, I’ve really welcomed it, especially when I’m so used to writing uni essays.
Rocket Creative Marketing Services