Coronavirus Explainer Animation for MND Association
The team at MND knew from past experience that they could rely on our support. This extended from bringing the script to life, to developing the storyboard and final cut in record time.
As always the animation and supporting voiceover had to communicate both the clear and simple guidelines and messages that are going to be essential to this group and their carers. Our fantastic voice artist demonstrated a great deal of patience and delivered these reassuringly firm guidelines
Just seven days from initial conversations the video went live . Our team working initially from the scant and rabidly changing information produced outline concepts and storyboard allowing the client time to clarify its messaging and key content.
This time-critical project required the experience and dedicated account management that the team at Rocket always deliver. This included close client liaison and smooth management of the production. Our studio team, despite their rapid deployment to home working ensured the level of creative thinking, appropriate design and motion graphics were still at the centre of this truly inspired effort.
We can only hope now that this national effort reduces the impact of this devastating virus.
Rocket is always proud to assist the great work of the MND Association.
We’re also always here to support you and your business, especially in times of crisis, so call us 01604 250900 or email team@rocket-creative.com..