Twitter announces stories feature called ‘Fleets’

Twitter has finally jumped on the stories band wagon! Introducing a new way to share content on social— Twitter Fleets! After months of testing in select markets, Twitter confirmed the global rollout of a new stories-like feature called “Fleets” which should be available in the UK over the coming days. Do you have it yet? If […]

The New Linkedin Stories Feature

Ok, we’re SO excited about this!! LinkedIn has become the latest social platform to introduce a stories feature to the world. You may not see this feature on your profile just yet as it is being slowly released throughout the UK. The feature is debuting its offering to all following trials in UAE, France, the […]

Make the Most of your Facebook Adertising

Nothing Left to Chance with our Guide to Effective Facebook Advertising

As a result of the recent switch to remote culture, brands are continuing to adjust their marketing strategies. The physical experience has become virtual with online traffic now outweighing customer footfall. As a digital agency, we’ve seen a subsequent boost in social media advertising with Facebook rising as the strongest contender. It makes sense too. […]

Google has rolled out a number of updates to its tools in July 2020

Google has rolled out a number of updates to its tools in July 2020. Another busy month in the world of Google and Google search.  We’ve summarised the latest updates below: New mortgage feature box on Google Google has released a new search feature in the mobile SERPs for mortgage related searches. Rather than just […]

Wellingborough Cares Campaign

Following a severe rise in mental health and suicides in Wellingborough, ourselves and Medigold Health joined forces to try and make a difference. After calling on the local community to come together and collectively raise awareness, we created the ‘Wellingborough Cares’ campaign. We knew we wanted to use all of our resources to raise awareness, not just online but […]